Thursday, June 5, 2008

President Obama!

Wow...after a long hard battle, the Democratic primary season has come to a close and Barack Obama has finally clinched the nomination and is now on his way to become the next President of the United States!

I must say it was one of the most exciting and interesting primary seasons that I ever experienced, but I am glad to see Senator Obama come out ahead. As I said back in February, both Senator Clinton and Senator Obama were well qualified, but I think that a) Senator Obama is the voice of change that we so desperately need right now and b) he simply ran a better campaign.

Now, we move on to the General election campaign against Senator McCain. Personally, I thought Senator McCain portrayed himself well as a moderate back in 2000, but since then he has pandered way too far to the right and the more I learn about him, the less impressed I am. In my mind, he is simply the next in a long line of candidates who felt "their time had come" (like Bob Dole & Walter Mondale) while in reality their best days were already behind them.

The General election should come down to such crystal clear contrasts of age vs. youth, experience vs. change, pro-Iraq war vs. anti-Iraq war, pro-choice vs. anti-choice, that I will find it hard for someone to claim to be "undecided".

Let's hope that Senator Obama makes the right VP choice later this summer to ensure a victory a November. Although many people have suggested Hillary Clinton, I do think that she (and Bill) bring too much baggage to the table that Senator Obama may be much better served with someone with the foreign policy experience, without the baggage. Ironically, 2 outstanding choices - Joe Biden and Wesley Clark don't help with the Electoral College battle, but would be well suited for the job. However, the same was said about Dick Cheney and (unfortunately) we know how that turned out.

In any event, we only have:

left until we can all (hopefully) welcome President Obama!

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