Monday, November 24, 2008

Parking Woes - Part 3

As I posted previously, the Village is looking to try to alleviate the crushing demand for commuter parking for residents, while also trying to balance the concerns of residents who live in close proximity to the train station and where commuters are currently parking all day in front of their homes.

Several weeks ago, the first part of the equation was addressed with the passage of an ordinance on first reading to limit parking to 2 hours between 8am and noon on specific streets. Tonight, we are expected to address the second part of the equation with an ordinance on first reading to limit the following areas/streets to resident commuter parking only between 6am and 11am:

Vose Avenue - East side, beginning at a point 190 feet South of the prolongation of the southerly curb line of Montrose Avenue and extending 128 feet South therefrom.
Meeker Street - West side, beginning at a point 115 feet South of the prolongation of the southerly curb line of Mountain House Road and extending 348 feet South therefrom.
Clark Street - West side, beginning at a point 64 feet North of the prolongation of the northerly curb line of Meadowbrook Place and extending 656 feet North therefrom.
North Ridgewood Road - East side, beginning at a point 800 feet North of the prolongation of the northerly curb line of West South Orange Avenue and extending 128 feet North therefrom.
North Ridgewood Road - East side, beginning at a point 52 feet South of the prolongation of the southerly curb line of Mead Street and extending 260 feet South therefrom.
Ralston Avenue - South side, beginning at a point 30 feet East of the prolongation of the easterly curb line of Vose Avenue and extending 84 feet East therefrom.
Third Street - North side, beginning at a point 38 feet East of the prolongation of the easterly curb line of Church Street and extending 150 feet East therefrom.
Third Street - North side, beginning at a point 255 feet East of the prolongation of the easterly curb line of Church Street and extending 106 feet East therefrom.
Third Street - North side, beginning at a point 397 feet East of the prolongation of the easterly curb line of Church Street and extending 20 feet East therefrom.
Church Street - East side, beginning at a point 200 feet South of the prolongation of the southerly curb line of West South Orange Avenue and extending 106 feet South therefrom.
Prospect Street - West side, beginning at a point 32 feet South of the prolongation of the southerly curb line of Milligan Place and extending 184 feet South therefrom.
Prospect Street - West side, beginning at a point 32 feet South of the prolongation of the southerly curb line of Second Street and extending 20 feet South therefrom.
Academy Street - West side, beginning at a point 35 feet North of the prolongation of the northerly curb line of Second Street and extending 84 feet North therefrom.
Academy Street - West side, beginning at a point 62 feet North of the prolongation of the northerly curb line of Third Street and extending 172 feet North therefrom.

In addition, the East side of Meadowbrook Lane will also be restricted to resident commuter parking from November 15 through March 15.

This results in a net gain of:
66 resident commuter parking spaces for South Orange Station
52 resident commuter parking spaces for Mountain Station
45 "seasonal" resident commuter parking spaces along Meadowbrook Lane which is virtually equidistant to either station.

A visual representation of this is as follows (where red represents new 2 hour parking and green represents new commuter parking):

View Larger Map

Clearly, no solution is ever perfect, but this is a great start to putting a dent in the excessive waiting list that currently exists for commuter parking, while also addressing the quality of life concerns of homeowners.

It is expected that both ordinances will be heard together on second reading on Dec 15th, where a Public Hearing will be held. In the meantime, I'd love to hear your feedback.

1 comment:

michael graham said...

This post was in my mind during the Village Vision planning meeting tonight. I and I think most of the audience was surprised to hear the finding that the parking contractor found that we have a surplus of parking in every category. I hope that these "unaltered" contractor reports become available to the public. The question was asked and a dancing reply about them being updated for consumption didnt sound to promising.

There was mention of an economic review that was done as well that I think would be interesting to see unaltered, but that is another topic.

Charlton Ave.