Thursday, July 31, 2008


re·spect /rɪˈspɛkt/
1. to show regard or consideration for.

For anyone who has watched some of the recent Board of Trustees Meeting, and particularly the meeting on July 28, there seems to be one member of the Board that needs to learn the meaning of respect. This individual shows no regard or consideration for their fellow members by often coming late to meetings and leaving early (and sometimes not showing up at all). This individual shows no regard or consideration for the public by passing notes and whispering side comments during the meetings. This individual shows no regard or consideration for their position by undermining negotiations for the sake of political pandering and finally this individual shows no regard or consideration for individuals who come to the meetings to be heard by often yelling at them and speaking to them in an arrogant, condescending and hostile tone.

I find this behavior abhorrent and completely unacceptable. Some people think they are entitled to respect by their position. However, some people need to learn they need to EARN respect by first having the decency to show respect to others around them.

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